“A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man’s brow.” — Charles Brower
This quote sums up why I am hesitant to put my BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal) out there in public. What if you laugh at me? What if I can never be that good? Am I silly for thinking I could ever accomplish anything of significance?
On the other hand, what if I don't put my BHAG out there? Then it is just a wish, a dream with no action behind it. Destined to stay within my mind, unfulfilled. Once it is in writing, it gains power, and I can start putting an action plan into place. So here it goes.
Debuting today, Marie's BHAG:
"To live a creative, joyful, spiritual life as an artist and a writer"
Steps on the BHAG path:
- Be featured in Artful Blogger magazine.
- Write articles for industry-publications.
- Publish a book.
- Have a piece in an art gallery.
- Use my work to raise money for charity.
- Teach a writing/communications course.
"How" is as important as "what"
My goal is to be recognized as an artist and writer, but the "how" I get there matters. If the path is lucrative, but stressful or harmful, it isn't the right path. The criteria of "creative, spiritual, and joyful" are there to guide decisions along the way.
So what's next?
Obviously many factors are keeping me from accomplishing this right now. That's what makes it audacious. I've started to inventory those blocks so I can work to remove them. For example, I have a long way to go before my work is "gallery" quality. That is something tangible that I can work on.
In other words, every reason for why I'm not a recognized artist and writer, now become an action step on the path, rather than a roadblock.
I took one of those action steps toward my goal this week. Carol McKenna, who writes the blog ArtMuseDog interviewed me for her "Interview with Creatives" series. Carol,the author of Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor, is a former psychology professor and psychotherapist who is currently encouraging others to find creativity in all parts of their Life Journey.
Okay, I showed you mine. Now it's your turn. What is your BHAG?