Sunday, July 17, 2011

Midas Touch quest complete

A Great Story Sells Beer

The Conclusion

Last week I told you about my husband's quest for Midas Touch by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery after reading an article about how the specialty beer was based on archeological finds at a 700 B.C. tomb. My father-in-law read that post and joined in on the quest, delivering a 4-pack into my husband's hands.

I'm not a beer drinker, and I try to avoid wheat products as much as possible, but I had to try a sip. Let me say it was a really tasty brew. The depth of  flavor was pretty impressive. While the taste was good, I was more interested in the packaging. Dogfish Head has the branding down.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, the branding is quite seamless! The gold thumbprint alone is fabulous. I am not a beer drinker either but enjoyed the six-pack we got a few months ago.


Ooh,a comment! How delightful.


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