The idea of having fans is weird to me. I think that's why I've resisted starting a Facebook Fan page. I'm not Nike. People don't love my product the way they do Coke. I'm in start up mode. That means I'm lucky if members of my family can remember my business' name. So what would I do with a FB fan page?
Of course I need to build awareness, but having a successful page isn't about what "I" need. It's about what people are interested in. So what value would my fan page have to people? It occurred to me that people seem to enjoy giving me advice. And boy do I need advice.
That's when the light bulb went off. My fan page could be like my very own focus group. So I bit the bullet and launched a page. To get the ball rolling, I asked for suggestions on what kinds of flowers should I try to create. First day out of the gate and I'm already getting suggestions. I'm excited to see where things go from here.
PHOTO: I created this smiley face for the new fan page. I'm using it as the cover shot for a fan photo album. My dream would be to have people show off pictures of themselves wearing my jewelry or cutting a wedding cake with one of my toppers on it. Don't laugh! A girl can dream.
See the new page: Young Creative Polymer Clay Designs