Monday, September 27, 2010

Pumpkin of the Earth Clan

Pumpkin of the Earth Clan
"Pumpkin of the Earth Clan" by Angela of Elemental Dragons

Today's pick-me-up photo is of a cute guy created by Angela of Elemental Dragons. Angela and I are both members of the Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy. Angela's Elemental Dragons belong to one of seven clans:  Forrest, Water, Sky, Celestial, Fire, Earth and Gems.

Pumpkin belongs to the Earth Clan. They are known to be a wise, kind and caring clan. Earth Dragons will do anything to help any other creature. They are one of the oldest clans and have the name "The Healers". Hopefully seeing this happy guy healed your case of the Mondays!

Submit your Monday Pick-Me-Up photo. 

Have a suggestion for a future Monday Pick-Me-Up photo? Add your photo and description to the Creative Sprinkle Flickr Group. Make sure your Flickr photos are available for download.


Ooh,a comment! How delightful.


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